Social Events

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Welcome Networking Reception 

Tuesday 9 September, 18:15 – 20:30

National Automotive Innovation Centre, Lord Bhattacharyya Way, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL

Catch up with existing colleagues and make new acquaintances at our welcome networking reception held on the first evening of the conference. Delegates will be treated to an evening of networking in the National Automotive Innovation Centre, the hub of automotive research and innovation in the West Midlands. This event is free to attend but must be pre-booked via the conference registration form. Directions and travel information will be provided nearer the time. Food and drink will be provided.

Conference Dinner

Wednesday 10 September, 19:00 – 23:30

Coventry Cathedral, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5AB

A must-attend for all registered delegates! Take advantage of more networking opportunities at the pre-dinner drinks reception, followed by a sit-down three-course dinner in Coventry Cathedral with fellow attendees. Nestled next to the breathtaking ruins of the original 14th-century cathedral, the iconic Coventry Cathedral is widely regarded as a masterpiece of resilience and modernist design. Pre-booking to attend the dinner is required and please note a seating plan will be provided. Directions and travel information will be provided nearer the time.

Tickets cost £68 + VAT and can be purchased via the conference registration form.

Faraday Institution Community Awards 2025

We will also be announcing the winners of our Faraday Institution Community Awards 2025 during the dinner this year. We look forward to the awards being a powerful platform for celebrating community successes, and a way of rewarding individuals and teams that demonstrate excellence and behaviours encouraged by the Faraday Institution’s mission and values.


The 2025 award categories are as follows: 

Innovation Award

Given in recognition of an individual or team that have made significant contribution via development of an outstanding innovation. This might be a novel experiment, technique, product, technology, approach, process, EDI or training initiative.

Collaboration Award

Recognises exceptional innovations in collaborative networks between diverse groups of researchers, industry partners and policy makers.

Researcher Development Champion Award

In recognition of an individual that goes above and beyond what would normally be expected in the role of supervisor or mentor to guide early career researchers in their research and career paths.

Public Engagement / STEM Outreach Award

In recognition of an individual’s or team’s outstanding contribution to the local or national community in relation to science communication or the promotion of STEM careers.

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