Call for Abstracts 2024

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Would you like the opportunity to present at the conference?

We warmly invite scientists and engineers from across the battery energy storage research, development and innovation ecosystem to express their interest in presenting at the Faraday Institution Conference, 10-12 September 2024 at Newcastle University.

We are looking for submissions for oral and poster presentations under the below scientific themes:

  • Battery Safety
  • Materials, Electrode and Battery Characterisation
  • Modelling and Engineering
  • Next Generation Chemistries and Technologies
  • Recycling and Re-use
  • Sustainability


Please note: The Innovation to Market and Industrialisation Challenges sessions are not open for abstracts as these are invited talks only.

Abstract submissions are now closed.

Key Dates

Deadline to submit an abstract for a talk or poster | 23:59 GMT, Monday 15 April 2024

Notification of submission outcome | Thursday 30 May 2024

Acceptance deadline and Early Bird Registration Rate ends | Monday 17 June 2024


Abstracts are invited from any researcher active in the field of energy storage, (whether directly working on a Faraday Institution project or not), working in either academia or industry. Abstracts are invited from all career stages.   

Welcoming expressions of interest from all sections of the community  

We particularly welcome applications from women, who were under-represented in the EOI submissions at previous conferences, as well as those from ethnic minority groups, who typically are under-represented in STEM fields. We endeavour to foster diversity in all its forms, including career stage and specific areas of expertise, to represent the broadest collection of voices and ideas.  

What to expect  

Submit an abstract and set yourself up to be an active participant in the Faraday Institution’s largest and most open science dissemination and networking event to date. This will be a large-scale event; we’re expecting over 500 delegates. The event will bring together the community of UK academics, industry organisations, policy makers and funders to disseminate battery research and raise the visibility of UK scientific excellence in energy storage.   

The conference will be structured to facilitate networking, collaboration and partnership and develop shared understanding of industry challenges and the academic research underway that will deliver advances in underpinning science and engineering to meet those challenges.  

Researchers are reminded that this will be an open forum: No confidential information should be included in the abstract submissions, or the posters/talks selected.  

Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the conference Scientific Programme Board as well as invited external members in two stages: 

  1. First, abstract submissions will be blind-scored by individual reviewers allocated to certain themes. 
  2. Secondly, the submissions in their entirety become available to view and are discussed and ranked by review panels before making final selections. 

Bursary Applications  

To make the Faraday Institution Conference accessible to as many UK-based early career researchers as possible, we will be offering up to 20 travel bursaries for postgraduate students based at UK academic institutions. 

Students awarded a bursary will have their conference fee (including conference dinner) waived. Travel and accommodation costs will not be covered. 

Eligibility for Bursary Application 

  • Bursaries are available to current postgraduate (PhD or MSc/MRes) students, who are not directly funded on a Faraday Institution project.
  • Applicants must be based at a UK academic institution.
  • PhD researchers currently funded on a Faraday Institution project have their own training budget for conference attendance, which should be used, and so are not eligible for a conference bursary.
  • Undergraduate students are not eligible for this award.
  • Bursary applicants must submit an abstract to present a poster or presentation at the conference. Bursaries will only be awarded to those researchers who have their abstract accepted.

Please apply for a bursary at the same time as submitting an expression of interest to present at the conference. 

As part of the expression of interest process please upload a pdf letter of support for the bursary from your supervisor/institution on university headed paper. The letter should include: 

  • Confirmation that the applicant is not funded on a Faraday Institution grant 
  • A description of the researcher’s current project funding 
  • Make the case for funding, i.e., confirm there is no alternative / institutional funding available to attend the conference 
  • Outline whether there are any other reasons the researcher should attend/present this particular conference or other roles they’d perform at the conference. 

No single institution will be eligible for more than three bursary awards. 

After the conference, recipients of the bursaries will be asked to submit a one-page report on the benefits of attending the event, their research, connections made and personal development. 

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