Professor Sir Peter Bruce FRS

Chief Scientist of the Faraday Institution and Wolfson Professor of Materials at the University of Oxford

Professor Sir Peter Bruce FRS is a founder and Chief Scientist of the Faraday Institution. He is also leading the research project on solid state batteries and a member of the senior leadership team of the solid-state battery commercialisation initiative. He is the Wolfson Professor of Materials at the University of Oxford as well as Physical Secretary and Vice-President of the Royal Society. In this year’s Birthday Honours List, Peter received a knighthood for his services to science and innovation.

Peter’s research interests embrace materials chemistry and electrochemistry, especially lithium and sodium batteries. Recent efforts have focused on the synthesis and understanding of new anionic redox cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, the challenges of the lithium-air battery and understanding the processes taking place in solid-state batteries.

His research has been recognised by a number of awards and fellowships, including from the Royal Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the German Chemical Society and The Electrochemical Society. In June 2022 he received the RSC’s Longstaff prize for pioneering research on the chemistry of materials with applications in renewable energy. He was elected to the Royal Society (UK Academy of Sciences) in 2007 and the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Scottish Academy of Sciences) in 1994. He has appeared on the Thomson Reuters/Clarivate list of highly cited researchers since 2015.

Session Session date Session Time
Closing Keynote Thursday 12 September 13:50-14:45
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